Developmental disorders are a group of psychiatric conditions originating in childhood that involve serious impairment in different areas.
Developmental disorders are not any disease. They are disordered functioning of various systems primarily due to improper development of brain and inefficient transmission of impulses.
For no fault of the patients, they suffer with their inability to express themselves and fulfill their basic needs.
Conventional medicines and therapies have largely failed in providing a complete solution for these kind of disorders,
Ayurveda, along with Panchagavya therapy, has been providing a more complete and everlasting solution for developmental disorder since ages.
These treatments offer hope to them to be able to develop and grow from the fundamental stage of development and be able to manage and lead their life in a much better manner.
Several Ayurvedic ingredients have been identified for this, and have been proven to be successful after extensive research worldwide.
Here we present few therapies based on such herbs along with Panchagavya therapy.
All supplements are suitable for people of all ages, with variable dosages.